Collection: Feathered Friends

Feathered Friends Description

The illustration is a circular emblem that prominently features three ducklings with distinctive, stylized attributes against a dark navy background. The text "FEATHERED FRIENDS" arches along the upper edge of the circle, executed in an angular Art Deco-style font that harkens back to the early 20th century, reminiscent of movie title typography from that era. This font style is characterized by its geometric forms and structured appearance, contributing to the emblem's vintage charm.
Centered within the emblem are the ducklings, each depicted in a soft pastel hue: pink on the left, blue in the middle, and green on the right. Their individuality is accentuated by whimsical accessories—a pearl necklace on the pink duckling, an inverted tin watering can hat on the blue, and a knitted cap accompanied by a muffin-shaped satchel on the green. These details not only provide a sense of personality to each duckling but also add layers of narrative to the illustration.
Below the group of friends, the emblem is inscribed with "ESTD 2018," indicating the year of establishment, and the motto "FOREVER BLENDING HUES," which encircles the bottom half of the design. The motto encapsulates the theme of diversity and unity among the depicted characters.
The illustration is rendered with a hand-drawn aesthetic, featuring varying line widths and a playful approach to the portrayal of the ducklings. The lighting and shading on the figures give them a three-dimensional form, making them stand out against the emblem's flat backdrop.
The emblem's overall design, with its circular shape and contained elements, creates a sense of completeness and unity. The Art Deco font, the chosen color palette, and the detailed accessories converge to create a cohesive visual narrative that celebrates camaraderie, individuality, and a sense of shared history. The design is likely to evoke nostalgia and appeal to those who appreciate a blend of classic style and playful imagery.

Meet the Artist: Takara

Takara is a beacon of creativity, seamlessly weaving her identity as an artist, dancer, musician, and wordsmith into the fabric of her existence. As a perpetual wanderer whose journey has spanned the landscapes of the Far East, the Middle East, Europe, Oceania, and now the Pacific Northwest, Takara embodies the spirit of a global artistic influence. Her life, a tapestry of diverse cultural experiences, fuels her passion for everything from the rhythmic flow of dance on sandy shores to the exhilarating thrills of skiing down majestic mountains.
In her worldview, Takara champions the belief that humanity holds a pivotal responsibility in fostering compassion among neighbors, pursuing profound understanding, and safeguarding the breathtaking beauty of our diverse planet. With unwavering dedication, she commits to contributing to a collective effort to enhance global harmony, positioning herself as a distinctive voice among Pacific Northwest artists dedicated to making the world a more compassionate place.